Mass Data Storage System#

Massdata (Mass Data Storage System, MDSS for short) is the tape storage available at NCI. This kind of storage is intended for long term storage of large files. It is possible to retrieve data from MDSS, so this is a good place to store data that will not be required for some time, for backup, or for archiving. Each project has a directory on the MDSS, the amount of storage allocated depends on the project allocation.

MDSS proper usage#

MDSS is designed for medium to long-term storage of large files, this means it is optimised for storing big amounts of data. It is most suitable for:

  • Files to keep long term, like data underlining published datasets, publications, PhD thesis etc.

  • Files that are likely to be reused or analysed again in the future but not in the next few months. For example, restart files or other model output that are not immediately needed should be moved from disk to massdata as soon as possible.

  • MDSS is suitable for backup of big data projects, like model output which could not be backed up elsewhere.

Preparing data for mdss#

  1. Files should be organised before uploading, and anything that is not needed should be deleted. It is difficult to get a list of what is stored on massdata, let alone to list what is in a tarred file once it is uploaded.

  2. Big files: there are tools like tar to bundle files together into archive files. Archive files should be reasonably big but also organised in logical units. There is no point in tarring together two different simulations if they are likely to be accessed separately later, as transferring a big amount of data is slow. Upload will fail if any of the files are less than 20MB or the average size is less than 250 MB.

  3. Files should be group readable, with group execute permissions for directories. This helps with long term maintenance, allowing administrators to track the type and size of archived data. Permissions can be changed by the data owner with the chmod unix utility.

While preparing the data to be moved, it is a good idea to also document what data is archived and how it is organised. Even a simple readme file added to the main directory can help others and the data owners themselves in the future. If archiving data underlining a publication or published dataset, it is important to have a summary of what is stored in massdata. This should be part of the dataset management plan and/or data availability statement.

Useful tools:

TAR - Tape ARchive cheat sheet


  • c – create archive file.

  • u - update archive file.

  • x – extract a archive file.

  • v – show the progress of archive file.

  • f – filename of archive file.

  • t – viewing content of archive file.

  • j – filter archive through bzip2.

  • z – filter archive through gzip.

  • r – append or update files or directories to existing archive file.

  • p - preserve-permissions

  • –acls - preserve acls

Create tar archive

tar -cvf archive.tar testdir

Create compressed tar archive

tar -cvzf archive.tar.gz  testdir

Or for more compression but slower writing/uncompressing

tar -cvfj archive.tar.bz2  testdir

Exclude only files or directories with pattern

tar -cvf archive.tar --exclude=”*.txt” testdir

There are many exclude options check with: man tar

Update tar archive

tar -uvf archive.tar testdir

This will add previously excluded files and update any file which has changed.

Untar archive

tar -xvf archive.tar 
    tar -xvf archive.tar.gz 
tar -xvf archive.tar.bz2 
tar -xvf archive.tar -C /home/uncompress/here

List archive content

tar -tvf archive.tar

Extract one file from tar archive

Need to use the full path for the file. As an example, if archive was created with:
tar -cvf archive.tar testdir

You have to specify:
tar -xf archive.tar testdir/readme.txt

Extract multiple files from tar archive

tar -xvf archive.tar readme.txt another.txt

Or using wildcards:

tar -xvf archive.tar *.txt

Add files or directories to tar archive

tar -rvf archive.tar readme.txt
tar -rvf archive.tar anotherdir

Delete files or directories from tar archive

tar --delete -f archive.tar anotherdir

Find differences between archive and local directory

tar -d archive.tar testdir   

NB. this can take a long time

Modified from:

For advice on compressing files see the relevant page

Accessing MDSS#

Massdata cannot be accessed directly via a directory path. All access of MDSS is via the command mdss.

Users connected to the project have read, write, and execute permissions in the corresponding directory on mdss and so may create their own files in it.

mdss has several sub-commands and options to see all of them use either:

  $mdss --help


  $man mdss

If a project is not specified, it will use your default project with a sub-command followed by the path of the files and directories to upload, list etc.

mdss -P <project-id> + <sub-command> + <path>

Most useful sub-commands are:

mdss put   - upload files 
mdss get   - retrieve files 
mdss ls    - list directories and files 
mdss dmdu  - get the size of a directory/file 
mdss dmls  - show what is on cache and what is on tape

NB "mdss du" will also work but only return the size of what is still cached, dmdu will give the full size of what is on tape regardless if it is cached or not.

Please note mdss sub-commands work only interactively or on the copyq queue. To use it on copyq remember to set the storage flag as

-l storage=massdata/<project_code>

Monitoring MDSS usage#

Unfortunately, there is no command to check the usage by user-id as for /g/data and /scratch. The only way to get this information currently is to ask The NCI administrators can access this information for any CI of the group.

Transferring data to and from MDSS#

NCI also supports the netmv and netcp commands to work with MDSS. These commands create a copyq job to transfer multiple files. Files can be automatically tarred and compressed as part of the copy process.

Warning: The automatic archiving and compression of these tools can use a lot of storage on /scratch if you’re moving lots of data!

For more info run man netmv.

The CLEX CMS team has also developed a utility called mdssdiff available from the CLEX-CMS conda environments. This utility allows users to compare the contents of the local directory and a directory under /massdata. It will also recursively update the content on the massdata directory to copy the local directory or vice versa.

Modifications to MDSS datasets#

Ask the Lead CI of the project to contact NCI at if large metadata operations are needed on massdata, such as changing ownership, project code, permissions etc. of existing datasets