Australian Research Council data policy#

The ARC does not yet have an Open Access policy for data. Their Open Access policy currently only applies to research outputs with the exclusion of data and code. However, the ARC has a Data Management Recommendations page, clearly stating that:

“Effective data management is an important part of ensuring open access to publicly funded research data. Data management planning from the beginning of a research project helps to outline how data will be collected, formatted, described, stored and shared throughout, and beyond, the project lifecycle.”

In particular:

  • From 2020, the ARC requires researchers to provide a Data Management Plan (DMP) as part of the agreement for funding under the National Competitive Grants Program.

  • Detailed DMPs should be in place before the start of the project, while a general, less detailed version is sufficient when submitting a grant.

  • The ARC requires the researcher to follow the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2018, which also covers data sharing and proper data management.