Conventions specific to sub-domains and/or projects#

We collect here other conventions which apply to sub-domains of climate science or specific projects, if you know of more please let us know.



  • ALMA data exchange convention the Assistance for Land-surface Modelling Activities group established conventions for land-surface schemes and their outputs.





Potential clashes Some of these conventions are a spinoff of the CF Conventions and so there’s an expectation when applied that the files will also be CF compliant. However, as conventions are ever-evolving documents and the groups working on specific conventions are different, it is possible for them to introduce requirements that clash with the CF conventions. An example of this is the different uses for cf_role in UGRID and CF, UGRID requires values for this attributes which are not included in the values allowed by CF. As CF evolves it’s possible that some of these alternatives will become just a use case of CF. In the mentioned example the clash should be resolved with CF v1.11 which should include an integration of UGRID into CF, see the relevant CF github issue.