Further information#

DataCite provides the authoritative guidance on DOIs and associated processes.

Each data publisher should have a policy on how to manage data withdrawals. Some examples are provided here.

  • CSIRO DAP “Withdraw a Public Collection” (visible to CSIRO staff only) retains data on the system but permits limiting visibility.

  • NCI’s policy is not known/not publicly available at this time.

  • Zenodo “Removal” policy views withdrawal as an “exceptional action” and serves a Tombstone page in the place of the original landing page.

  • Figshare permits versioning but not deletion.

  • Dryad views data removal as an “exceptional action” which should only occur “if there are concerns over privacy or data ownership”.

  • The Australian Ocean Data Network does not have a public policy on data withdrawal but uses the same method as many other publishers of retaining all data but using versioning where required. They strongly discourage uploading data until the researcher is positive it is in its final state.

  • University of Reading (UK) withdraw data from public view but do not delete, and use versions. Birkbeck (UK) have a similar policy.