This is a free, open-source statistical programming language. It is used mainly in research, but it is also a standard tool in many organisations. This tool is great for statistical analysis.
tidyverse is a collection of packages designed for data science, they share the same design and data structures. …. (followed by list of tidyverse packages) …
- ggplot2¶
Creating graphics
- dplyr¶
dplyr helps with common data manipulation like selcting, filtering, adding or rearranging columns, aggreagtion etc.
- purrr¶
purrr helps with data wrangling
- tidymodels¶
modeling and machine learning
- tidyr¶
tidyr helps creating tidy data, defined as data where every column is a variable, every row is an observation, and every cell is a single value.
Other packages … [using this header for convenience until we have more categories]¶
- rio¶
data import/export
- shiny ¶
report results, e.g., build interactive web apps
- mlr¶
machine learning tasks
- leaflet¶
mapping and working on interactive maps
- sp¶
processing spatial data
- maptools¶
processing spatial data
- zoo¶
for time series data
- xlsx¶
for time series data
- climpact¶
heatwave/extremes statistics
Recommended list of packages:
Quick list of useful R packages from Rstudio website