Institutional shared resources

Institutional shared resources

Many universities support internal HPCs on a much smaller scale than NCI and Pawsey, but that are often beneficial at a research group level. UTas (TPAC’s Kunanyi), UniMelb (Spartan), and UNSW (Katana) all have systems that researchers may be able to access for tasks that do not require the shared data on NCI but are too big for the researcher’s laptop. The main drawback of these options is that they limit collaboration with peers at other institutions, as well as support available as you will have to rely on internal support staff, unlike when using NCI where mutiple help channels are available.

When would I use this sytem?

When working only with other researchers from your local institution and when you are not dependent on large-scale reference data at NCI and do not require assistance from community support staff.

How do I get access?

Enquire with your local IT support staff.